Here is a brief outline of the 6 papers for the Secondary levels

Session 1. The bare bones and tools of creative writing

This session gives you an overview of creative writing for the secondary classes. We look at the main elements of writing and how to build ideas. Understanding the elements (ideas, structure, vocab) choice of topics. Ideation techniques, structure caution (past tense, passive voice, indirect speech) vocab building. Tools of writing using media, critical reading, viewing, authentic materials, writing analysis and trails from comprehension. Detailed understanding of writer’s craft.

Session 2. Writing effective description

In this session, we do description in detail. We focus on teaching strategies that are easy and doable to create wonderful settings, people, ideas and events at an advanced level. How to use better evocative vocabulary and created rounded characters. Descriptions using sense words, figures of speech, and advanced phrasing.  Use of poetic devices in descriptions.

Session 3. Writing fiction

In this session, you will learn how to teach story writing narrative and imaginative genre. You will learn how to use the 5 basic elements of a story and how to teach planning and writing. You will be given strategies to achieve success. Fiction and non-fiction. Understanding genre and diction. Graphics and tools for planning. Mind-mapping. Venn. Rubrics. Writing using traditional personal and reflective stories, satire, humour, allegories, twisted tales, spoofs, picture prompts. Adventure stories, fantasy and science fiction.

Session 4.  Writing non-fiction

In this session, we advance formats and requirements of the succinct genres with topics that children will enjoy writing. How to write a Discussion, debate, report, and persuasion with better insights, planning and organisation in the secondary grades.

Session 5.  Writing as a life-skill 

In this session, you will learn how to teach students to write a summary.  Non-fiction forms like reflective essays, travelogues, all kinds of formal letters, notices, invitations, posters, speeches, diary entries, and pamphlets. Language requirements for non-fiction writing.

Session 6.   Corrections and Evaluation

In this session, we look at common errors that students make and how to correct them. Self, peer, teacher corrections for error recognition and error remediation. Rubrics and criteria of success in detail. Formative and Summative assessments. Evaluation and reporting of writing.